Learn about our body scan service

Body scan (subject to location)

If you’re just beginning a diet or fitness programme, this is the perfect time for a DEXA scan, the best way to measure body fat.

We use the very latest DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry) technology to quickly and accurately measure the body fat, lean tissue and bone in each major region of your body – arms, legs and trunk. Your Bodyscan report will also read your visceral fat, the unseen toxic fat that surrounds the internal organs and is linked with diabetes, heart disease, colon cancer and stroke.

The Most Accurate Measure of Fat and Lean Mass

Our scan tell you exactly how much fat you have now, how much you need to lose. You can’t reach your goal unless you know precisely where you’re starting from and where you’re going. We'll monitor your progress to keep you on course too.

Health risks of visceral fat

Visceral fat is ‘bad’ fat around your organs and increases your risk of heart disease and other nasties. If your ethnicity or unlucky genetics mean you store fat in your upper body, or you’re overweight, you’re probably carrying too much visceral fat and at higher risk. We’ll assess your risk and how much you need to shift with diet and exercise.

Muscle gain/loss

If you're inactive or naturally skinny, chances are you have low muscle mass, which will decrease further over time. Gaining muscle is a slower and less predictable process than losing fat. We'll measure how much lean mass you have now and what you need to do to get big. Or bigger.

How it works

A scan takes less than four minutes and is completely safe. The X-ray dose is less than a day's normal background radiation. You'll lie on a padded bed while a moving arm makes three passes over your body. All you have to do is lie there and remain still.

Once the scan is complete, a highly detailed three-page report (five pages for follow-up Progress scans) will be generated showing your precise body composition – fat, visceral fat, lean mass and bone – in each part of your body. We'll also send you a PDF of your report straight after your scan.

Our DEXA report gives you meaningful data based purely on the amount and distribution of fat and lean mass in your body. We'll reveal your fat mass index (FMI) and lean mass index (FMI) and, from there, establish specific targets for fat loss and muscle gain.

Dexa Body Scan at our London Clinical locations (Bank station or Marylebone high street)
  • Face-to-face consultation
  • Fat and lean mass measured precise to a gram
  • Visceral fat and risk level
  • Highlights fat and muscle distribution
  • Indication of bone density
  • Resting metabolic rate
  • Recommended calorie intake
  • Realistic kilogram targets and time line

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